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Railway Station in Jawor

Conceptual, building permit and execution designs of the revitalization of the railway station Jawor in a full range of M&E. In progress..


Reconstruction of crossroads: Grójecka/Harfowa/Racławicka in Warsaw

The concept, permit building and execution designs of reconstruction of street's intersection Grójecka / Harfowa / Raclawicka in a full range of M&E  as well as  with the study and analysis of traffic, traffic control and changes in tram traction - in progress ..


Sewruk Theatre and Center for European Meetings in Elbląg

Conceptual design, building permit and execution designs of expansion, reconstruction and renovation Theatre of Alexander Sewruk in Elblag and the Center for European Meetings "Światowid" in Elblag - a full range of M&E.


Maritime Institute in Gdansk

Construction of office-laboratory and workshop-warehouse
Maritime Institute in Gdansk - permit building and execution designs in the full range of M&E. In progress...

Warszawa Główna_1.jpg

New Railway station Warszawa Główna

The concept of building a new railway station Warszawa Główna in a full range of M&E. In progress ...

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